$ 60,942  -3.39%
€ 56,619  -3.23%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,697  -3.34%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.96B
Altcoin volume
$ 25.00B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
Lympo LYM
Blockchain sports and health revolution
Start date 17. Feb 2018 End date 28. Feb 2018
Information Lympo aims to create a healthy lifestyle ecosystem that uses the blockchain technology to reward people with tokens for being healthy and to connect numerous stakeholders in the sports and wellness sector. Lympo generates value through the e ective monetisation of user-generated sports and wellness data. This valuable information is collected from various sports apps and wearables in order to receive rewards and later Lympo user will be able to share this valuable data with their fitness trainer, doctor, physician or even a health insurance or data driven sports and health businesses. LYM tokens can be further spent to buy other healthy lifestyle goods and services like personal trainer sessions, gym membership, healthy food or sports clothes. A passionate team of entrepreneurs, sports and health professionals and a versatile and experienced board of advisors including experts on blockchain for science, health specialists and technology experts make Lympo a frontrunner of the blockchain innovation.

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Lympo LYM
Blockchain sports and health revolution
Start date 17. Feb 2018
End date 28. Feb 2018
Lympo aims to create a healthy lifestyle ecosystem that uses the blockchain technology to reward people with tokens for being healthy and to connect numerous stakeholders in the sports and wellness sector. Lympo generates value through the e ective monetisation of user-generated sports and wellness data. This valuable information is collected from various sports apps and wearables in order to receive rewards and later Lympo user will be able to share this valuable data with their fitness trainer, doctor, physician or even a health insurance or data driven sports and health businesses. LYM tokens can be further spent to buy other healthy lifestyle goods and services like personal trainer sessions, gym membership, healthy food or sports clothes. A passionate team of entrepreneurs, sports and health professionals and a versatile and experienced board of advisors including experts on blockchain for science, health specialists and technology experts make Lympo a frontrunner of the blockchain innovation.

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