$ 63,815  1.43%
€ 59,310  1.40%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,864  1.37%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.62B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.52B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Micromoney AMM
First blockchain credit bureau
Start date 18. Oct 2017 End date 18. Nov 2017
Information here are still more than 2 billion unbanked people in the world. These people are
excluded from the local and global economy as they still use cash and don't have
access to basic financial services. Taking out a loan is a great challenge for them as well
unless they obtain a credit history.

MicroMoney’s mission is to solve this problem.

MicroMoney was established as a microfinance institution and has sharpened the
business to become a decentralized Open Source Credit & Big Data Bureau on the
Blockchain. Since 2015, we provide individuals and SMEs with short-term loans as the best
solution for their financial needs. MicroMoney uses innovative risk scoring powered by
artificial neural network.

In the long-run, we are able to help 2 billion unbanked and underbanked people to build
a multi-purpose digital identity, creditworthiness, and financial reputation. Without
borders or intermediaries. Our goal is to bring these people to the new global
decentralized crypto economy.

At the same time, we aggregate large sets of data reflecting our customers’ needs and
their online behaviour. By sharing and exchanging this Big Data we thus enable banks,
financial institutions, e-commerce, and retail businesses worldwide to efficiently scale.
They will get access to new customers unserved before, reduce risks while expanding to
new markets, and better understand their customers’ needs.

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Micromoney AMM
First blockchain credit bureau
Start date 18. Oct 2017
End date 18. Nov 2017
here are still more than 2 billion unbanked people in the world. These people are
excluded from the local and global economy as they still use cash and don't have
access to basic financial services. Taking out a loan is a great challenge for them as well
unless they obtain a credit history.

MicroMoney’s mission is to solve this problem.

MicroMoney was established as a microfinance institution and has sharpened the
business to become a decentralized Open Source Credit & Big Data Bureau on the
Blockchain. Since 2015, we provide individuals and SMEs with short-term loans as the best
solution for their financial needs. MicroMoney uses innovative risk scoring powered by
artificial neural network.

In the long-run, we are able to help 2 billion unbanked and underbanked people to build
a multi-purpose digital identity, creditworthiness, and financial reputation. Without
borders or intermediaries. Our goal is to bring these people to the new global
decentralized crypto economy.

At the same time, we aggregate large sets of data reflecting our customers’ needs and
their online behaviour. By sharing and exchanging this Big Data we thus enable banks,
financial institutions, e-commerce, and retail businesses worldwide to efficiently scale.
They will get access to new customers unserved before, reduce risks while expanding to
new markets, and better understand their customers’ needs.

  Reddit (not available)
  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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