$ 61,266  -2.65%
€ 56,638  -2.84%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,646  -2.92%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.42B
Altcoin volume
$ 25.99B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
Aeternum ALF
World's First Science and Intellectual Property driven ICO
Start date 01. Nov 2018 End date 01. May 2019
Information Aeternum goal is to create a platform through which any individual will can invest in intellectual property rights of scientists around the world.

We have already attracted and are cooperating with some of the greatest discoveries of present day and we are confident that we are creating something that will become the biggest blockchain crowdfunding platform to the date. It will help scientists commercialize their ideas and projects through our Commercialization Reactor which is run by dedicated and professional team with vast experience in scientific field and business development. Our platform will give the opportunity to invest in some of the greatest inventions, innovations and discoveries that in the future might just change the world as you know it. Platform will be open to anyone not just a select group of investors and no contribution will be too small to reap the profits of deep science based startup realization.
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Aeternum ALF
World's First Science and Intellectual Property driven ICO
Start date 01. Nov 2018
End date 01. May 2019
Aeternum goal is to create a platform through which any individual will can invest in intellectual property rights of scientists around the world.

We have already attracted and are cooperating with some of the greatest discoveries of present day and we are confident that we are creating something that will become the biggest blockchain crowdfunding platform to the date. It will help scientists commercialize their ideas and projects through our Commercialization Reactor which is run by dedicated and professional team with vast experience in scientific field and business development. Our platform will give the opportunity to invest in some of the greatest inventions, innovations and discoveries that in the future might just change the world as you know it. Platform will be open to anyone not just a select group of investors and no contribution will be too small to reap the profits of deep science based startup realization.
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