$ 62,097  -0.36%
€ 57,783  -0.32%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,764  -0.19%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.22B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.10B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.04T
Streamity STM
Decentralised application for exchange of cryptocurrency to fiat money without intermediaries
Start date 25. Jun 2018 End date 22. Jul 2018
Information The key element of STREAMITY is StreamDesk decentralized application for exchange of cryptocurrency to fiat money without intermediaries on the basis of smart contracts.

How does the exchange work?
Cryptocurrency is blocked in the smart contract till the signal about crediting of fiat money to the seller’s account is received, being transferred directly between users. Fiat money and cryptocurrency are not blocked on the platform, which allows us to work legally in most jurisdictions of the world.

The commission varies from 0 to 2% and depends on the purchased package with a set of benefits.

StreamDesk project is based on the sought-after mass service, and connection of new users will create a strong demand for STM tokens. Moreover, the tokens will be openly traded on the main crypto exchanges, and, through StreamDesk service, users will transform cryptocurrency into ordinary money as it is much more profitable, by ensuring access of new users to the service!

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Streamity STM
Decentralised application for exchange of cryptocurrency to fiat money without intermediaries
Start date 25. Jun 2018
End date 22. Jul 2018
The key element of STREAMITY is StreamDesk decentralized application for exchange of cryptocurrency to fiat money without intermediaries on the basis of smart contracts.

How does the exchange work?
Cryptocurrency is blocked in the smart contract till the signal about crediting of fiat money to the seller’s account is received, being transferred directly between users. Fiat money and cryptocurrency are not blocked on the platform, which allows us to work legally in most jurisdictions of the world.

The commission varies from 0 to 2% and depends on the purchased package with a set of benefits.

StreamDesk project is based on the sought-after mass service, and connection of new users will create a strong demand for STM tokens. Moreover, the tokens will be openly traded on the main crypto exchanges, and, through StreamDesk service, users will transform cryptocurrency into ordinary money as it is much more profitable, by ensuring access of new users to the service!

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