$ 64,027  1.77%
€ 59,502  1.73%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,042  1.73%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.80B
Altcoin volume
$ 22.92B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T
Platform and marketplace for securely sharing health data
Start date 19. Sep 2017 End date 30. Oct 2017
Information BurstIQ's platformcombines blockchain technology with Big Data capabilities, advanced security protocols, and machine intelligence to allow complex data sets to be managed, parsed, shared and mined while maintaining strict security standards and HIPAA compliance. . Health data from disparate sources is combined to create individual LifeGraphs(TM) within the platform. LifeGraphs then form the basis for the HealthWallet(TM), from which people can share, sell, license, loan, or donate their data.

The BurstIQ ecosystem enables individuals, businesses and researchers to actively engage with each other to buy, sell, partner and collaborate, all while maintaining the security and privacy of each person's data.

At BurstIQ, we believe that you should own your data. You should be able to access all your data in one place, and that you should be able to decide who sees it and what they can do with it.
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Platform and marketplace for securely sharing health data
Start date 19. Sep 2017
End date 30. Oct 2017
BurstIQ's platformcombines blockchain technology with Big Data capabilities, advanced security protocols, and machine intelligence to allow complex data sets to be managed, parsed, shared and mined while maintaining strict security standards and HIPAA compliance. . Health data from disparate sources is combined to create individual LifeGraphs(TM) within the platform. LifeGraphs then form the basis for the HealthWallet(TM), from which people can share, sell, license, loan, or donate their data.

The BurstIQ ecosystem enables individuals, businesses and researchers to actively engage with each other to buy, sell, partner and collaborate, all while maintaining the security and privacy of each person's data.

At BurstIQ, we believe that you should own your data. You should be able to access all your data in one place, and that you should be able to decide who sees it and what they can do with it.
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