$ 60,843  -3.54%
€ 56,533  -3.38%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,616  -3.50%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.98B
Altcoin volume
$ 26.28B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
An interactive cyberpunk thriller
Start date 04. Oct 2017 End date 02. Nov 2017
Information ROSECODE is an interactive multimedia experience unlike any other. Part SF adventure, part mystery to be unlocked, the story rewards the curious seeker. Revisit ROSECODE and each time you will find new clues and meet new characters with their own secrets and hidden motives. Spanning two and a half future centuries, the story is epic in a way that few recent literary projects have dared to be.

ROSECODE uses the power of Creative Commons licensing to forge a new paradigm: a shared mythos, a consensual creative universe where anyone is free to invent, tell stories, build games, or film a movie—for fun or for profit.

The ROSECOIN token system offers a new economic model that rewards creators for the true economic value of their work.
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An interactive cyberpunk thriller
Start date 04. Oct 2017
End date 02. Nov 2017
ROSECODE is an interactive multimedia experience unlike any other. Part SF adventure, part mystery to be unlocked, the story rewards the curious seeker. Revisit ROSECODE and each time you will find new clues and meet new characters with their own secrets and hidden motives. Spanning two and a half future centuries, the story is epic in a way that few recent literary projects have dared to be.

ROSECODE uses the power of Creative Commons licensing to forge a new paradigm: a shared mythos, a consensual creative universe where anyone is free to invent, tell stories, build games, or film a movie—for fun or for profit.

The ROSECOIN token system offers a new economic model that rewards creators for the true economic value of their work.
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