$ 63,604  0.69%
€ 59,116  0.75%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,720  0.84%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.97B
Altcoin volume
$ 30.08B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Connection between Trademarks, Retailers and Customers
Start date 13. Oct 2017 End date 13. Nov 2017
Information VALUS allows Trademarks to add an item into a blockchain. With that trademarks make their items more secure and also customers can verify these items. Trademarks can
create a safer purchase for a customer by verifying the websites or retailers that sell
genuine items. Trademarks also get a report from customers about suspicious
websites and stores. If trademark finds out that a website or a store sells fake items, it
can be shutdown.
Retailers will know if the items they sell are genuine. Trademark can verify the retailers
that sell genuine items, and because of that retailers can gain more trust among

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Connection between Trademarks, Retailers and Customers
Start date 13. Oct 2017
End date 13. Nov 2017
VALUS allows Trademarks to add an item into a blockchain. With that trademarks make their items more secure and also customers can verify these items. Trademarks can
create a safer purchase for a customer by verifying the websites or retailers that sell
genuine items. Trademarks also get a report from customers about suspicious
websites and stores. If trademark finds out that a website or a store sells fake items, it
can be shutdown.
Retailers will know if the items they sell are genuine. Trademark can verify the retailers
that sell genuine items, and because of that retailers can gain more trust among

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