$ 57,357  -5.40%
€ 53,539  -5.81%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 45,807  -5.62%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 19.57B
Altcoin volume
$ 37.21B
Crypto market cap
$ 1.92T
Cointed CTD
The future of money
Start date 20. Nov 2017 End date 28. Feb 2018
Information COINTED is building a bridge between the cryptocurrency world and the real world. Even though cryptocurrencies have brought a whole new dimension in creating value, consumers regularly face the same problem: how can I easily change my cryptocurrencies into fiat currency? Additionally, consumers are also looking for easier and more secure ways to get their hands on cryptocurrencies in the first place. The goal is to satisfy the demand for convenient ways to convert fiat currency into cryptocurrencies and vice versa, without abandoning safety.

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Cointed CTD
The future of money
Start date 20. Nov 2017
End date 28. Feb 2018
COINTED is building a bridge between the cryptocurrency world and the real world. Even though cryptocurrencies have brought a whole new dimension in creating value, consumers regularly face the same problem: how can I easily change my cryptocurrencies into fiat currency? Additionally, consumers are also looking for easier and more secure ways to get their hands on cryptocurrencies in the first place. The goal is to satisfy the demand for convenient ways to convert fiat currency into cryptocurrencies and vice versa, without abandoning safety.

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