$ 61,544  -1.25%
€ 57,268  -1.20%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,267  -1.19%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.42B
Altcoin volume
$ 25.33B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.02T
The Ultimate Blockchain Gaming Platform
Start date 29. Aug 2018 End date 10. Oct 2018
Information Xaya is the ultimate blockchain gaming platform. The XAYA platform builds upon the significant know-how developed across Namecoin and the Huntercoin experiment and will provide a wealth of tools and infrastructure for game developers to build their own game worlds that fit their vision and project. They can fully leverage the XAYA technology to build decentralised games and issue their own game currency that can be traded for ‘CHI’ or other XAYA game coins or assets.

Additionally to the benefit of gamers, developers can create fully decentralised, autonomous games where players can expect 100% uptime and have provably fair gameplay with true ownership of their in-game items.

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The Ultimate Blockchain Gaming Platform
Start date 29. Aug 2018
End date 10. Oct 2018
Xaya is the ultimate blockchain gaming platform. The XAYA platform builds upon the significant know-how developed across Namecoin and the Huntercoin experiment and will provide a wealth of tools and infrastructure for game developers to build their own game worlds that fit their vision and project. They can fully leverage the XAYA technology to build decentralised games and issue their own game currency that can be traded for ‘CHI’ or other XAYA game coins or assets.

Additionally to the benefit of gamers, developers can create fully decentralised, autonomous games where players can expect 100% uptime and have provably fair gameplay with true ownership of their in-game items.

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