$ 63,433  0.42%
€ 58,943  0.46%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,691  0.79%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.51B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.15B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Diveco Logistics XDIV
Decentralized Logistics Platform in Blockchain and ERP System
Start date 10. May 2018 End date 10. Jul 2018
Information Diveco Logistics will be the latest generation of logistics platform and ERP system operating largely in the cloud, fully based on integrated Blockchain technologies and the IoT (Internet of Things) concept in the Tangle registry. So far, no existing company has attempted to implement these technologies in commercial systems. The platform will be the cheapest, and at the same time the safest and most effective tool for business management. The use of Blockchain and Tangle registers in the ERP system will become a milestone in the development of resource management systems, because we currently do not have a more secure technology for maintaining and integrating data in the network.

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Diveco Logistics XDIV
Decentralized Logistics Platform in Blockchain and ERP System
Start date 10. May 2018
End date 10. Jul 2018
Diveco Logistics will be the latest generation of logistics platform and ERP system operating largely in the cloud, fully based on integrated Blockchain technologies and the IoT (Internet of Things) concept in the Tangle registry. So far, no existing company has attempted to implement these technologies in commercial systems. The platform will be the cheapest, and at the same time the safest and most effective tool for business management. The use of Blockchain and Tangle registers in the ERP system will become a milestone in the development of resource management systems, because we currently do not have a more secure technology for maintaining and integrating data in the network.

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