$ 62,933  -0.23%
€ 58,394  -0.20%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,238  -0.28%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.04B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.18B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
Decentralize Security
Start date 03. May 2018 End date 31. May 2018
Information DIW is a secure blockchain-based digital platform which safeguards and secures your virtual life granting access to an encrypted decentralised world. DIW provides you with a secure digital vault were you will be able to save all of your valuable data, including personal identification documents, financial documentation, login details, wills, health care records, and much more sensitive and private data. It will also handle your cryptocurrency coins. From then onwards, the wallet, which will be your identity within the DIW network, will be used to grant you access to a global network of DIW members.

As a member you will be able to proceed with transactions between members, exchanging information – including sensitive data, as well as services. Smart contract-based escrow services will be featured. Members will also be able to list themselves on a DIW Global directory reaching out the entire network.

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Decentralize Security
Start date 03. May 2018
End date 31. May 2018
DIW is a secure blockchain-based digital platform which safeguards and secures your virtual life granting access to an encrypted decentralised world. DIW provides you with a secure digital vault were you will be able to save all of your valuable data, including personal identification documents, financial documentation, login details, wills, health care records, and much more sensitive and private data. It will also handle your cryptocurrency coins. From then onwards, the wallet, which will be your identity within the DIW network, will be used to grant you access to a global network of DIW members.

As a member you will be able to proceed with transactions between members, exchanging information – including sensitive data, as well as services. Smart contract-based escrow services will be featured. Members will also be able to list themselves on a DIW Global directory reaching out the entire network.

  LinkedIn (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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