$ 63,879  1.53%
€ 59,361  1.49%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,921  1.49%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 10.07B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.28B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T
Gameflip FLP
Decentralized ecosystem where digital goods on all gaming platforms
Start date 04. Dec 2017 End date 13. Jan 2018
Information The new decentralized ecosystem is founded by Gameflip, a venture-backed technology company which operates a robust digital goods marketplace with millions of users. Gameflip is a corporation based in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The company is managed by gaming industry experts with decades of combined experience, and funded by top tier venture capital investors. Established in 2014, Gameflip has already been at the forefront addressing the largely unmet demand for liquidity for digital goods. Prior to the advent of blockchain technology, we have already built the most comprehensive centralized digital goods marketplace platform and have witnessed tremendous growth in the platform for the last two years. Now, with blockchain technology, our new decentralized ecosystem will enable ubiquitous liquidity for digital goods, unlocking exponentially more value for the gaming market and its participants.

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Gameflip FLP
Decentralized ecosystem where digital goods on all gaming platforms
Start date 04. Dec 2017
End date 13. Jan 2018
The new decentralized ecosystem is founded by Gameflip, a venture-backed technology company which operates a robust digital goods marketplace with millions of users. Gameflip is a corporation based in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The company is managed by gaming industry experts with decades of combined experience, and funded by top tier venture capital investors. Established in 2014, Gameflip has already been at the forefront addressing the largely unmet demand for liquidity for digital goods. Prior to the advent of blockchain technology, we have already built the most comprehensive centralized digital goods marketplace platform and have witnessed tremendous growth in the platform for the last two years. Now, with blockchain technology, our new decentralized ecosystem will enable ubiquitous liquidity for digital goods, unlocking exponentially more value for the gaming market and its participants.

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