$ 60,385  -4.27%
€ 56,087  -4.14%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,220  -4.29%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.50B
Altcoin volume
$ 26.04B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.00T
PlaceToRent PTRT
A Decentralized Global Residential and Commercial Rental Platform
Start date 04. Jun 2018 End date 26. Sep 2018
Information PlaceToRent is a decentralized peer-to-peer global platform in the space of residential and commercial rentals (such as homes, apartments, office, retail, and industrial space), designed to facilitate and streamline the rental process through blockchain technology by providing transparent and efficient transactions while reducing the need for a trusted third party oversight to make the rental process less costly, more convenient and secure. Additionally, we strive to increase the level of rental market inclusion and expand the number of alternatives for such underserved segment of the rental community as younger households with invisible credit or work history.

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PlaceToRent PTRT
A Decentralized Global Residential and Commercial Rental Platform
Start date 04. Jun 2018
End date 26. Sep 2018
PlaceToRent is a decentralized peer-to-peer global platform in the space of residential and commercial rentals (such as homes, apartments, office, retail, and industrial space), designed to facilitate and streamline the rental process through blockchain technology by providing transparent and efficient transactions while reducing the need for a trusted third party oversight to make the rental process less costly, more convenient and secure. Additionally, we strive to increase the level of rental market inclusion and expand the number of alternatives for such underserved segment of the rental community as younger households with invisible credit or work history.

  Slack chat (not available)
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