$ 63,030  -0.22%
€ 58,597  -0.13%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,399  0.21%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.13B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.25B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
Ethereum-based Talent Autonomous Organization
Start date 04. Jul 2018 End date 29. Jul 2018
Information Talao is the first decentralized and blockchain-based marketplace, enabling companies to mobilize the best Talent in the major industrial and technological sectors.

Because the best Talent owe their success only to their work and their skills, Talao builds a model
without middlemen and commission.

Because the best Talent thrive in an environment where they feel confident, Talao gives them the keys to the governance of the platform in a transparent and fair way.

Because the best Talent take years to build their reputation, the TALAO token gives them the means to certify their experience and regain possession of their reputation.

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Ethereum-based Talent Autonomous Organization
Start date 04. Jul 2018
End date 29. Jul 2018
Talao is the first decentralized and blockchain-based marketplace, enabling companies to mobilize the best Talent in the major industrial and technological sectors.

Because the best Talent owe their success only to their work and their skills, Talao builds a model
without middlemen and commission.

Because the best Talent thrive in an environment where they feel confident, Talao gives them the keys to the governance of the platform in a transparent and fair way.

Because the best Talent take years to build their reputation, the TALAO token gives them the means to certify their experience and regain possession of their reputation.

  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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