$ 62,459  0.22%
€ 58,136  0.29%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,011  0.30%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.08B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.07B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.05T
Nuggets NUG
Take back control of your data
Start date 31. May 2018 End date 05. Jun 2018
Information Nuggets is a consumer blockchain platform giving users a single biometric tool for login, payment and identity verification, without sharing or storing private data.

With Nuggets, you create a secure ‘personal cloud’ of data in zero knowledge blockchain storage. Not even Nuggets can access this data. You decide if and when you want to share it, and do so on your own terms.

Nuggets gives power back to the people, enabling ‘self-sovereign identity’ on a mass scale. And it frees companies from the burden of storing and protecting millions of customer records.

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Nuggets NUG
Take back control of your data
Start date 31. May 2018
End date 05. Jun 2018
Nuggets is a consumer blockchain platform giving users a single biometric tool for login, payment and identity verification, without sharing or storing private data.

With Nuggets, you create a secure ‘personal cloud’ of data in zero knowledge blockchain storage. Not even Nuggets can access this data. You decide if and when you want to share it, and do so on your own terms.

Nuggets gives power back to the people, enabling ‘self-sovereign identity’ on a mass scale. And it frees companies from the burden of storing and protecting millions of customer records.

  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
  Github (not available)
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