$ 63,589  0.67%
€ 59,025  0.60%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,703  0.81%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.69B
Altcoin volume
$ 27.45B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Devery EVE
Product Verification Protocol
Start date 12. Jan 2018 End date 19. Jan 2018
Information is developing the Devery Protocol, a decentralized verification platform that enables marking and tracking over the Ethereum network. The protocol allows manufacturers, brands, retailers and any other party to assign unique signatures to any products, services or digital goods sold, issued and traded online. The unique signatures are stored on the Ethereum network and can be queried to determine contextual data (including location, date, manufacturer/point-of-origin and the identification of the verifying party). Verification is not limited to the sale of physical goods and services, and can be extended to verifying the authenticity and legitimacy of any digital goods and services (such as certificates and courses).
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Devery EVE
Product Verification Protocol
Start date 12. Jan 2018
End date 19. Jan 2018
Information is developing the Devery Protocol, a decentralized verification platform that enables marking and tracking over the Ethereum network. The protocol allows manufacturers, brands, retailers and any other party to assign unique signatures to any products, services or digital goods sold, issued and traded online. The unique signatures are stored on the Ethereum network and can be queried to determine contextual data (including location, date, manufacturer/point-of-origin and the identification of the verifying party). Verification is not limited to the sale of physical goods and services, and can be extended to verifying the authenticity and legitimacy of any digital goods and services (such as certificates and courses).
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