$ 61,638  0.76%
€ 57,351  0.76%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,352  0.74%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.12B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.72B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.03T
Swytch SET
Accelerating a sustainable and equitable energy future.
Start date 12. Jun 2018 End date 12. Jul 2018
Information Swytch is a blockchain-based platform that tracks and verifies the impact of sustainability efforts and actions on the worldwide level of C02 emissions.

Leveraging our Open “Oracle” technology that acts as a distributed authority, Swytch awards tokens to people, companies, and other organizations that make a meaningful and measurable difference in reducing the emissions that endanger our planet…and our future.

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Swytch SET
Accelerating a sustainable and equitable energy future.
Start date 12. Jun 2018
End date 12. Jul 2018
Swytch is a blockchain-based platform that tracks and verifies the impact of sustainability efforts and actions on the worldwide level of C02 emissions.

Leveraging our Open “Oracle” technology that acts as a distributed authority, Swytch awards tokens to people, companies, and other organizations that make a meaningful and measurable difference in reducing the emissions that endanger our planet…and our future.

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