$ 63,704  0.85%
€ 59,196  0.89%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,813  1.03%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.95B
Altcoin volume
$ 30.03B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Multiversum MTV
4th Generation Relational Blockchain
Start date 01. May 2018 End date 10. Jun 2018
Information Multiversum is a Relational Blockchain as a Service for Crypto-Relational Database.

Public health, finance and the whole economic system are about to join the technologic revolution brought by Blockchain. One of our main goals is to meet the needs of every market entity that requires high operational security and can improve its productivity with Blockchain technology. With our high security and stability standards, we make the concept of Blockchain 4.0 real and operative, offering innovative and efficient solutions at trifling costs.

We provide our customers with tools that allow the generational leap to a safer Blockchain 4.0, able to create synergies among cryptocurrencies and to adapt to their specific needs, splitting and rejoining itself , allowing for a neater and faster data flux, which can manage them in a complex structured universe.

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Multiversum MTV
4th Generation Relational Blockchain
Start date 01. May 2018
End date 10. Jun 2018
Multiversum is a Relational Blockchain as a Service for Crypto-Relational Database.

Public health, finance and the whole economic system are about to join the technologic revolution brought by Blockchain. One of our main goals is to meet the needs of every market entity that requires high operational security and can improve its productivity with Blockchain technology. With our high security and stability standards, we make the concept of Blockchain 4.0 real and operative, offering innovative and efficient solutions at trifling costs.

We provide our customers with tools that allow the generational leap to a safer Blockchain 4.0, able to create synergies among cryptocurrencies and to adapt to their specific needs, splitting and rejoining itself , allowing for a neater and faster data flux, which can manage them in a complex structured universe.

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