$ 63,773  0.96%
€ 59,224  0.94%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,904  1.21%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.69B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.59B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Decentralised Communication
Start date 18. Oct 2018 End date 18. Dec 2018
Information The Sylo Protocol provides confidential communication as a utility to the SyloApp. The Sylo Protocol acts as the confidential networking layer for the Sylo Application, creating peer-to-peer (P2P) connections and providing an efficient way for users to interact and exchange data confidentially over the network.

The Sylo Protocol is being developed to provide completely decentralised confidential communication as a utility to all Connected Applications within the Sylo ecosystem. Powered by the blockchain and combined with other decentralised technologies, the Sylo Protocol will act as the networking layer for the Sylo App and third party Connected Applications, while also providing charging options for specific communications and services over the network.

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Decentralised Communication
Start date 18. Oct 2018
End date 18. Dec 2018
The Sylo Protocol provides confidential communication as a utility to the SyloApp. The Sylo Protocol acts as the confidential networking layer for the Sylo Application, creating peer-to-peer (P2P) connections and providing an efficient way for users to interact and exchange data confidentially over the network.

The Sylo Protocol is being developed to provide completely decentralised confidential communication as a utility to all Connected Applications within the Sylo ecosystem. Powered by the blockchain and combined with other decentralised technologies, the Sylo Protocol will act as the networking layer for the Sylo App and third party Connected Applications, while also providing charging options for specific communications and services over the network.

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  Github (not available)
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