$ 63,288  -0.97%
€ 58,791  -1.01%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,451  -0.94%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.39B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.26B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Gamified Online-to-Offline Economy for Emerging Asia
Start date 04. Feb 2018 End date 20. Mar 2018
Information HotNow is a marketing automation platform that provides merchants in SE Asia with cost-effective, high-efficacy marketing tools, while encouraging merchants to transfer some of that value surplus to the consumers of their goods and services.

HoToKeNTM is the utility token that will act as access-granting key to HotNow Network’s features and benefits and act as a currency that fuels HotNow’s economy. Imagine consumers using HoToKeNTM to gain access to (unlock) promotions or discounts offered by merchants where the spending history data of consumers can be tracked and utilized, at the consumers’ discretion through permissioned blockchain. This spending history can then be used to create “credit profiles” for individuals without financial history to enable these consumers to access micro-loans (to spend at HotNow merchants).

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Gamified Online-to-Offline Economy for Emerging Asia
Start date 04. Feb 2018
End date 20. Mar 2018
HotNow is a marketing automation platform that provides merchants in SE Asia with cost-effective, high-efficacy marketing tools, while encouraging merchants to transfer some of that value surplus to the consumers of their goods and services.

HoToKeNTM is the utility token that will act as access-granting key to HotNow Network’s features and benefits and act as a currency that fuels HotNow’s economy. Imagine consumers using HoToKeNTM to gain access to (unlock) promotions or discounts offered by merchants where the spending history data of consumers can be tracked and utilized, at the consumers’ discretion through permissioned blockchain. This spending history can then be used to create “credit profiles” for individuals without financial history to enable these consumers to access micro-loans (to spend at HotNow merchants).

  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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