$ 64,026  1.36%
€ 59,488  1.39%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,065  1.53%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.23B
Altcoin volume
$ 28.64B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T
Ternio TERN
Blockchain for digital advertising
Start date 01. Jun 2018 End date 15. Jun 2018
Information Ternio is a blockchain based utility token built to transform and ultimately disrupt the $224 billion per year digital advertising market through a multifaceted approach. Incentives and the general ecosystem are not aligned causing both advertisers and publishers to feel they are on the losing side of the deal. Ternio provides a verifiable and decentralized asset that empowers advertisers to verify spend through each intermediary and gives publishers the assurance and guarantee of being paid on delivery. With advertisers knowing that they are getting what they pay for and publishers not having to wait months to collect.
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Ternio TERN
Blockchain for digital advertising
Start date 01. Jun 2018
End date 15. Jun 2018
Ternio is a blockchain based utility token built to transform and ultimately disrupt the $224 billion per year digital advertising market through a multifaceted approach. Incentives and the general ecosystem are not aligned causing both advertisers and publishers to feel they are on the losing side of the deal. Ternio provides a verifiable and decentralized asset that empowers advertisers to verify spend through each intermediary and gives publishers the assurance and guarantee of being paid on delivery. With advertisers knowing that they are getting what they pay for and publishers not having to wait months to collect.
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