$ 62,886  -0.45%
€ 58,499  -0.30%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,337  0.08%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.37B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.60B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.07T
EtainPower EPR
Blockchain-based Energy Ecosystem Powered by AI
Start date 25. Dec 2018 End date 30. Dec 2018
Information EtainPower is a renewable energy financing and trading ecosystem empowered by both blockchain and AI technologies. Backed by a team of top-tier engineers from Silicon Valley, we introduced a groundbreaking blockchain architecture to tokenize global renewable energy assets, allowing them to be traded rapidly and freely through our highly decentralized blockchain technology platform in a fast and safe way.

Our founding team has extensive experience in the fields of new energy, blockchain and artificial intelligence. We combine blockchain and AI technologies and apply them to the global energy network with the goal to break the monopoly position of traditional energy giants and bring true decentralization to the smart energy ecosystem.

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EtainPower EPR
Blockchain-based Energy Ecosystem Powered by AI
Start date 25. Dec 2018
End date 30. Dec 2018
EtainPower is a renewable energy financing and trading ecosystem empowered by both blockchain and AI technologies. Backed by a team of top-tier engineers from Silicon Valley, we introduced a groundbreaking blockchain architecture to tokenize global renewable energy assets, allowing them to be traded rapidly and freely through our highly decentralized blockchain technology platform in a fast and safe way.

Our founding team has extensive experience in the fields of new energy, blockchain and artificial intelligence. We combine blockchain and AI technologies and apply them to the global energy network with the goal to break the monopoly position of traditional energy giants and bring true decentralization to the smart energy ecosystem.

  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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