$ 62,285  -0.06%
€ 57,921  -0.08%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,888  0.05%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.26B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.16B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.04T
HybridBlock HYB
The all-in-one cryptocurrency trading ecosystem
Start date 23. May 2018 End date 06. Jun 2018
Information HybridBlock™ is an ecosystem the brings cryptocurrency to everyday retail investors, we are focused on the individuals who are just learning about cryptocurrencies to the expert day trader looking for the most sophisticated, secure, and reliable trading tools on the planet. We want everyone in the world to have a personalized experience to buy, trade, and learn about cryptocurrency according to THEIR needs. With a focus in the high growth regions, starting in Asia.

The HybridBlock™ ecosystem starts with BaseTrade™, a platform that enables consumers the easiest way to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies. For more intermediate users we have HybridExchange™, the best way to transact with new digital currencies, including HybridBlock Token, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and select other utility tokens. A more advanced option is HybridTrade, a client-side desktop application for institutional or professional traders. The entire ecosystem has been engineered from the ground up to leverage the latest technologies that will allow HybridBlock to scale to hundreds of millions of simultaneous users.

Unlike any other exchange, we have a governance token that empowers all participants to work together to shape and build the future of the HybridBlock™ ecosystem together.

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HybridBlock HYB
The all-in-one cryptocurrency trading ecosystem
Start date 23. May 2018
End date 06. Jun 2018
HybridBlock™ is an ecosystem the brings cryptocurrency to everyday retail investors, we are focused on the individuals who are just learning about cryptocurrencies to the expert day trader looking for the most sophisticated, secure, and reliable trading tools on the planet. We want everyone in the world to have a personalized experience to buy, trade, and learn about cryptocurrency according to THEIR needs. With a focus in the high growth regions, starting in Asia.

The HybridBlock™ ecosystem starts with BaseTrade™, a platform that enables consumers the easiest way to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies. For more intermediate users we have HybridExchange™, the best way to transact with new digital currencies, including HybridBlock Token, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and select other utility tokens. A more advanced option is HybridTrade, a client-side desktop application for institutional or professional traders. The entire ecosystem has been engineered from the ground up to leverage the latest technologies that will allow HybridBlock to scale to hundreds of millions of simultaneous users.

Unlike any other exchange, we have a governance token that empowers all participants to work together to shape and build the future of the HybridBlock™ ecosystem together.

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  Github (not available)
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