$ 62,451  0.21%
€ 58,069  0.18%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,001  0.28%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.72B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.28B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.06T
Publica PBL
Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy
Start date 01. Nov 2017 End date 01. Dec 2017
Information Publica aims to bring the publishing economy into the blockchain revolution. Publica's platform will host book crowdfunding, online marketplaces (ecommerce), apps, ereaders and ewriters doing double-duty as digital wallets. READ tokens represent books you own so they’re property backed by the blockchain. Smart contracts and RIGHTS tokens will back the automated performance of agreements like derivative rights for movies, games, sequels etc. Publica’s ecosystem is the multi-sided economy of publishing including service-providers like illustrators, editors, marketers, retailers etc., so they can benefit from the platform’s network effects. The Publica ecosystem’s internal money is a token called PBL.

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Publica PBL
Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy
Start date 01. Nov 2017
End date 01. Dec 2017
Publica aims to bring the publishing economy into the blockchain revolution. Publica's platform will host book crowdfunding, online marketplaces (ecommerce), apps, ereaders and ewriters doing double-duty as digital wallets. READ tokens represent books you own so they’re property backed by the blockchain. Smart contracts and RIGHTS tokens will back the automated performance of agreements like derivative rights for movies, games, sequels etc. Publica’s ecosystem is the multi-sided economy of publishing including service-providers like illustrators, editors, marketers, retailers etc., so they can benefit from the platform’s network effects. The Publica ecosystem’s internal money is a token called PBL.

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