Trump Pledges Strong Support for Cryptocurrency Industry and Ross Ulbricht Pardon

Former US President Donald Trump has reiterated his strong support for the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing his commitment to its development and the United States' leadership in this sector.

On May 25, Trump made several pro-crypto remarks ahead of the November election. He emphasized that the United States should aim to be a global leader in the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry.

“I am very positive and open minded to cryptocurrency companies, and all things related to this new and burgeoning industry. Our country must be the leader in the field. There is no second place,” Trump declared.

He contrasted his position with that of President Joe Biden, accusing Biden of wanting to suppress the crypto industry. “That will never happen with me,” Trump stated. During the Libertarian Party’s National Convention in Washington, Trump assured attendees he would protect their right to self-custody crypto assets and oppose the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

“I will support the right to self-custody. To the nation’s fifty million crypto holders, I say this: I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your bitcoin, and I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency,” Trump added. Remarkably, he also pledged to pardon Ross Ulbricht if re-elected. In 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to two consecutive life terms plus 40 years for creating and operating Silk Road, a darknet marketplace primarily used for drug transactions. Many in the crypto community argue that Ulbricht’s sentence is an example of governmental overreach.

“If you vote for me, on Day one, I will commute Ross Ulbricht’s sentence to time served. He’s already served 11 years, and we’re going to get him home,” Trump promised."