$ 63,272  -0.99%
€ 58,805  -0.98%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,396  -1.05%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.40B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.25B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
AI Crypto ACI
Lead the AI Industry with Blockchain
Start date 04. Jun 2018 End date 31. Jul 2018
Information AI Crypto is developing an AI ecosystem based on blockchain. Our primary goal is to make AI researches easier and cheaper to conduct. We expect AI researchers and data providers to
be more connected on a global basis with our platform, resulting in a huge AI revolution.

Since the AI business is the hot topic of the fourth industrial revolution nowadays, we are looking forward to various attempts in developing and utilizing the AI applications through the blockchain technology, starting from the AI Crypto Ecosystem. The AI Crypto team is open to all kinds of technology if they fulfill the idea of ‘righteous usage of impartial resources’ and are willing to include them in the AI Ecosystem where other members agree. This is more than just adding the contents to the ecosystem; it’s more of changing the platform through the consensus. Even if the AI Crypto Ecosystem grows larger in scale, this does not mean the birth of a large centralized organization, but the expansion of the decentralized society, resulting in more members agreeing to the righteous usage of these resources.

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AI Crypto ACI
Lead the AI Industry with Blockchain
Start date 04. Jun 2018
End date 31. Jul 2018
AI Crypto is developing an AI ecosystem based on blockchain. Our primary goal is to make AI researches easier and cheaper to conduct. We expect AI researchers and data providers to
be more connected on a global basis with our platform, resulting in a huge AI revolution.

Since the AI business is the hot topic of the fourth industrial revolution nowadays, we are looking forward to various attempts in developing and utilizing the AI applications through the blockchain technology, starting from the AI Crypto Ecosystem. The AI Crypto team is open to all kinds of technology if they fulfill the idea of ‘righteous usage of impartial resources’ and are willing to include them in the AI Ecosystem where other members agree. This is more than just adding the contents to the ecosystem; it’s more of changing the platform through the consensus. Even if the AI Crypto Ecosystem grows larger in scale, this does not mean the birth of a large centralized organization, but the expansion of the decentralized society, resulting in more members agreeing to the righteous usage of these resources.

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