$ 61,596  0.69%
€ 57,311  0.69%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,312  0.65%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.11B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.69B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.03T
Anything App ANY
Your knowledge-selling platform
Start date 30. Jun 2018 End date 30. Jul 2018
Information Anything App is a mobile platform. It connects individuals in need of certain knowledge with those who possess it, as an on-demand service. Entering a query in the search bar will result in a list of people, with who you can talk immediately.

This is done through video-call, call and chat. Communication is one-on-one. ‘Person A’ pays ‘person B’ for their time in AnyCoin (ANY) or FIAT. ‘Person B’ sets their own price per minute and availability schedule.

Upon release, it will be one of the easiest, most transparent and emotionally rewarding ways to make extra money for the masses.

The market for products and services is saturated. However, the Anything App is one of the first marketplaces for knowledge and time; something all people naturally possess.

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Anything App ANY
Your knowledge-selling platform
Start date 30. Jun 2018
End date 30. Jul 2018
Anything App is a mobile platform. It connects individuals in need of certain knowledge with those who possess it, as an on-demand service. Entering a query in the search bar will result in a list of people, with who you can talk immediately.

This is done through video-call, call and chat. Communication is one-on-one. ‘Person A’ pays ‘person B’ for their time in AnyCoin (ANY) or FIAT. ‘Person B’ sets their own price per minute and availability schedule.

Upon release, it will be one of the easiest, most transparent and emotionally rewarding ways to make extra money for the masses.

The market for products and services is saturated. However, the Anything App is one of the first marketplaces for knowledge and time; something all people naturally possess.

  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
  Github (not available)
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