$ 61,371  -2.48%
€ 56,746  -2.65%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,701  -2.81%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.41B
Altcoin volume
$ 26.21B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
Bitex Global XBX
Locally-embedded crypto-bank
Start date 30. Jun 2018 End date 31. Aug 2018
Information Bitex is the first locally-embedded, yet global, crypto-bank. BITEX will provide hyper-localized crypto-banking services through their global platform to promote efficient growth across multiple continents, focusing predominantly on Asia. Cultures differ in their banking preferences — a localized strategy allows for more focused and calculated decision making.

We’re taking the sociable attributes that banks offer, such as community partnerships and building a local presence and combining them with the benefits and the efficiency that a decentralized blockchain provides.

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Bitex Global XBX
Locally-embedded crypto-bank
Start date 30. Jun 2018
End date 31. Aug 2018
Bitex is the first locally-embedded, yet global, crypto-bank. BITEX will provide hyper-localized crypto-banking services through their global platform to promote efficient growth across multiple continents, focusing predominantly on Asia. Cultures differ in their banking preferences — a localized strategy allows for more focused and calculated decision making.

We’re taking the sociable attributes that banks offer, such as community partnerships and building a local presence and combining them with the benefits and the efficiency that a decentralized blockchain provides.

  Reddit (not available)
  LinkedIn (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
  Github (not available)
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