$ 62,335  0.02%
€ 58,042  0.13%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,900  0.08%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.17B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.33B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.05T
Sharpay SHRP
Share button with blockchain profit
Start date 01. Mar 2018 End date 31. May 2018
Information Sharpay is a share button of the next generation, which allows for oneclick distribution of the content on social media with targeting and reward for click-through. As opposed to traditional analogues, Sharpay provides multisharing of information, i.e. it makes it possible for users to oneclick post the content on their pages on multiple social media at a time. Information posting becomes more convenient; moreover, after sharing each user gets blockchain-based tokens.

Sharpay is a new simple hi-tech blockchain-based SMM-tool for websites with embedded economic model of process incentive. Sharpay button extends traditional digital marketing battery and gives new possibilities for digital content, goods and services promotion. Sharpay ensures effective promotion of content on the Internet with targeting of viewers, rewards for click-through of the visitors corresponding to the established parameters and anti-cheat system.
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Sharpay SHRP
Share button with blockchain profit
Start date 01. Mar 2018
End date 31. May 2018
Sharpay is a share button of the next generation, which allows for oneclick distribution of the content on social media with targeting and reward for click-through. As opposed to traditional analogues, Sharpay provides multisharing of information, i.e. it makes it possible for users to oneclick post the content on their pages on multiple social media at a time. Information posting becomes more convenient; moreover, after sharing each user gets blockchain-based tokens.

Sharpay is a new simple hi-tech blockchain-based SMM-tool for websites with embedded economic model of process incentive. Sharpay button extends traditional digital marketing battery and gives new possibilities for digital content, goods and services promotion. Sharpay ensures effective promotion of content on the Internet with targeting of viewers, rewards for click-through of the visitors corresponding to the established parameters and anti-cheat system.
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