$ 60,904  -3.45%
€ 56,611  -3.25%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,661  -3.41%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.59B
Altcoin volume
$ 25.79B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
QVerse (NFT) QVerse
4 basic archetypes NFTs
Start date 25. Sep 2021 End date 25. Sep 2021
Information The Qverse collection consists of 100 original 1/1 NFT pieces broken down into 4 different drops with 20 NFTs each, with the ability to unlock an extra 5 special characters. Each character contains specific traits aside from their unique design. Some traits are rarer than others allowing us to combine them in order to bring a story to life with exhilarating possibilities. The Quad-Verse is a combination of 4 basic archetypes (Heroes, Leaders, Shadows, and Creators) each specifically identified by the symbol on the bottom right of the NFT. The first drop of 20 is set to arrive in late September.
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QVerse (NFT) QVerse
4 basic archetypes NFTs
Start date 25. Sep 2021
End date 25. Sep 2021
The Qverse collection consists of 100 original 1/1 NFT pieces broken down into 4 different drops with 20 NFTs each, with the ability to unlock an extra 5 special characters. Each character contains specific traits aside from their unique design. Some traits are rarer than others allowing us to combine them in order to bring a story to life with exhilarating possibilities. The Quad-Verse is a combination of 4 basic archetypes (Heroes, Leaders, Shadows, and Creators) each specifically identified by the symbol on the bottom right of the NFT. The first drop of 20 is set to arrive in late September.
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