$ 63,579  0.65%
€ 59,055  0.65%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,689  0.78%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.99B
Altcoin volume
$ 30.00B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.09T
Decentralized Marketplace for Tokenized Alternative Investments
Start date 01. Nov 2018 End date 26. Nov 2018
Information SMART VALOR AG is a Swiss company, founded in Zug in April 2017. It is the first decentralized global marketplace for tokenized alternative investments.

The mission of the company is to give access to digital assets to people around the world in an easy, secure and compliant way. The company utilizes blockchain technology to democratize access to wealth.

Building on the Swiss crypto-friendly regulation, the VALOR Platform is an online investment platform with a focus on alternative investments such as:

1. Cryptocurrencies and non-security tokens (protocol, utility, and payment tokens)

2. Asset-backed security tokens such as equity in young companies, real estate, crypto funds, venture capital, and private equity funds.

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Decentralized Marketplace for Tokenized Alternative Investments
Start date 01. Nov 2018
End date 26. Nov 2018
SMART VALOR AG is a Swiss company, founded in Zug in April 2017. It is the first decentralized global marketplace for tokenized alternative investments.

The mission of the company is to give access to digital assets to people around the world in an easy, secure and compliant way. The company utilizes blockchain technology to democratize access to wealth.

Building on the Swiss crypto-friendly regulation, the VALOR Platform is an online investment platform with a focus on alternative investments such as:

1. Cryptocurrencies and non-security tokens (protocol, utility, and payment tokens)

2. Asset-backed security tokens such as equity in young companies, real estate, crypto funds, venture capital, and private equity funds.

  Reddit (not available)
  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
  Github (not available)
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