$ 63,644  1.16%
€ 59,143  1.12%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,723  1.09%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.98B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.16B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
CoinLoan CLT
Loans secured by cryptoassets
Start date 26. Nov 2017 End date 14. Feb 2018
Information CoinLoan is a truly groundbreaking project. Our platform uses a unique algorithm to offer maximum choice and flexibility for our clients - who are able to act as both a lender and borrower. Lenders deposit their fiat money using international/local bank transfers or bank cards and request loans on their own terms (repayment, interest rates etc). Lenders either manage the loans themselves, or they can let our algorithm manage the loan completely on autopilot - thereby avoiding the manual creation and continuous monitoring of loan requests. If the borrower fails to return the funds, the system will automatically liquidate (sell) the pledged crypto asset and return the funds to the lender (including the interest rate), thereby ensuring the absence of risk and a full repayment of funds. Borrowers can deposit cryptocurrency, and create a loan application for a maximum of 70% of current market value — to preserve the borrower's crypto assets and reduce the risks caused by the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Borrowed fiat money can be withdrawn quickly and conveniently, receiving their crypto assets back in full once loan conditions are repaid.

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CoinLoan CLT
Loans secured by cryptoassets
Start date 26. Nov 2017
End date 14. Feb 2018
CoinLoan is a truly groundbreaking project. Our platform uses a unique algorithm to offer maximum choice and flexibility for our clients - who are able to act as both a lender and borrower. Lenders deposit their fiat money using international/local bank transfers or bank cards and request loans on their own terms (repayment, interest rates etc). Lenders either manage the loans themselves, or they can let our algorithm manage the loan completely on autopilot - thereby avoiding the manual creation and continuous monitoring of loan requests. If the borrower fails to return the funds, the system will automatically liquidate (sell) the pledged crypto asset and return the funds to the lender (including the interest rate), thereby ensuring the absence of risk and a full repayment of funds. Borrowers can deposit cryptocurrency, and create a loan application for a maximum of 70% of current market value — to preserve the borrower's crypto assets and reduce the risks caused by the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Borrowed fiat money can be withdrawn quickly and conveniently, receiving their crypto assets back in full once loan conditions are repaid.

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  Github (not available)
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