$ 63,032  -0.07%
€ 58,477  -0.06%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,323  -0.11%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.98B
Altcoin volume
$ 22.60B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
DropDeck DDD
A Cross-border Business Funding Platform
Start date 21. Nov 2017 End date 21. Dec 2017
Information DropDeck scores and ranks fundraising companies using an AI engine that bases these ranking on all sources of data. By issuing tokens and deploying smart contracts, we can perfect an "incentive ecosystem" that unleash the full power of AI-human collaboration (which is the holy grail in the AI field), where everyone in the system is financially incentivized by the coded rules to not only contribute data to make the AI engine smarter over time, but also to collaborate in the best interests of everyone else, so that 1) all fundraising companies are as accurately scored and ranked as possible so that funders can put their money to optimal use, and 2) all participants in the funding value chain are financially incentivized to make sure funders get rewarded, so that the funders can keep funding and attracting more funders.

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DropDeck DDD
A Cross-border Business Funding Platform
Start date 21. Nov 2017
End date 21. Dec 2017
DropDeck scores and ranks fundraising companies using an AI engine that bases these ranking on all sources of data. By issuing tokens and deploying smart contracts, we can perfect an "incentive ecosystem" that unleash the full power of AI-human collaboration (which is the holy grail in the AI field), where everyone in the system is financially incentivized by the coded rules to not only contribute data to make the AI engine smarter over time, but also to collaborate in the best interests of everyone else, so that 1) all fundraising companies are as accurately scored and ranked as possible so that funders can put their money to optimal use, and 2) all participants in the funding value chain are financially incentivized to make sure funders get rewarded, so that the funders can keep funding and attracting more funders.

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