$ 63,629  1.13%
€ 59,139  1.11%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,714  1.07%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.94B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.12B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Gimmer GMR
Automated Crypto-Trading
Start date 31. Jan 2018 End date 28. Feb 2018
Information Gimmer's goal is to provide the best automated cryptocurrency trading platform that blockchains have ever seen. One that is quick and easy to use and accessible to all customers, no matter their background or trading experience.

With Gimmer, you do not need to be an expert trader or know any programming. Gimmer simply connects to a customers cryptocurrency exchange account and then uses advanced algorithmic trading bots to make the trades on behalf of the customer – at parameters that the customer has set. The bots require no programming skills, no previous trading experience and no in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrencies is needed. Gimmer is suitable for anyone who wants to trade and invest in the cryptocurrency market and does not have the relevant skills or the time to watch the markets all day long.

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Gimmer GMR
Automated Crypto-Trading
Start date 31. Jan 2018
End date 28. Feb 2018
Gimmer's goal is to provide the best automated cryptocurrency trading platform that blockchains have ever seen. One that is quick and easy to use and accessible to all customers, no matter their background or trading experience.

With Gimmer, you do not need to be an expert trader or know any programming. Gimmer simply connects to a customers cryptocurrency exchange account and then uses advanced algorithmic trading bots to make the trades on behalf of the customer – at parameters that the customer has set. The bots require no programming skills, no previous trading experience and no in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrencies is needed. Gimmer is suitable for anyone who wants to trade and invest in the cryptocurrency market and does not have the relevant skills or the time to watch the markets all day long.

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