$ 63,018  -0.09%
€ 58,475  -0.06%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,301  -0.16%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.23B
Altcoin volume
$ 22.85B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
TIP Blockchain TIP
Cryptocurrency mass adoption through on-chain discovery
Start date 13. Jul 2018 End date 17. Aug 2018
Information Tip is a Third Generation Blockchain that connects users over peer to peer networks, and merchants with payment solutions, making it easier than ever to transact using cryptocurrency. Information on the network is indexed and searchable so users and businesses can find information by searching using our wallet and point of sale apps. Arbitrary data attached to transactions and accounts can be used for various purposes, including identifying info, memos for payments, receipt confirmation and more.

Cryptocurrency users today have to deal with hashed addresses, QR codes and other contraptions. This creates friction and makes cryptocurrencies seem foreign to the average user. With Tip Blockchain, users and businesses can register usernames which can then be searched and discovered by other users. They will then be able to transact in fast, easy and user-friendly ways.

Kasakasa, our decentralized mobile wallet - featuring encrypted peer to peer messaging, user-friendly usernames as addresses, search and find other users by usernames. Once users discover each other and content on the network, they will be able to freely chat with them over peer-to-peer connections. Transactions can be sent over the wallet interface or directly from a chat. Sika, our decentralized cryptocurrency point of sale system (POS) for businesses - friendly usernames and transaction metadata give us the power to deliver customized solutions businesses need to make accepting payments in cryptocurrency easy. It will include traditional POS features like transaction/order management, customer management, sales reporting and analytics.

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TIP Blockchain TIP
Cryptocurrency mass adoption through on-chain discovery
Start date 13. Jul 2018
End date 17. Aug 2018
Tip is a Third Generation Blockchain that connects users over peer to peer networks, and merchants with payment solutions, making it easier than ever to transact using cryptocurrency. Information on the network is indexed and searchable so users and businesses can find information by searching using our wallet and point of sale apps. Arbitrary data attached to transactions and accounts can be used for various purposes, including identifying info, memos for payments, receipt confirmation and more.

Cryptocurrency users today have to deal with hashed addresses, QR codes and other contraptions. This creates friction and makes cryptocurrencies seem foreign to the average user. With Tip Blockchain, users and businesses can register usernames which can then be searched and discovered by other users. They will then be able to transact in fast, easy and user-friendly ways.

Kasakasa, our decentralized mobile wallet - featuring encrypted peer to peer messaging, user-friendly usernames as addresses, search and find other users by usernames. Once users discover each other and content on the network, they will be able to freely chat with them over peer-to-peer connections. Transactions can be sent over the wallet interface or directly from a chat. Sika, our decentralized cryptocurrency point of sale system (POS) for businesses - friendly usernames and transaction metadata give us the power to deliver customized solutions businesses need to make accepting payments in cryptocurrency easy. It will include traditional POS features like transaction/order management, customer management, sales reporting and analytics.

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