$ 61,214  0.06%
€ 56,991  0.13%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,053  0.13%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.35B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.87B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.02T
Blockchain Terminal BCT
Blockchain Terminal enables institutional investors into the crypto space
Start date 01. Apr 2018 End date 30. Apr 2018
Information The Blockchain Terminal (“BCT”) delivers a powerful set of tools and services to the wealth management industry, making use of blockchain technology to deliver cutting edge applications that have been created by a diverse community of developers, while also enabling real-time compliance enforcement and ad hoc audits. The BCT platform provides a robust layer of security and functionality to familiar tools, and capabilities that advance the current strategies of traditional investment managers, and also supports the complexities of cryptocurrency markets. Emerging cryptocurrency- focused investment funds enjoy sophisticated platform tools for both front and back office operations along with the added value and assurance of a compliance framework that provides security for investors across this rapidly emerging asset class.

The central distinguishing feature of BCT is a hybrid ledger that integrates both a private and a public, permissioned blockchain to enable its core services. This hybrid ledger is anchored to the broader Ethereum blockchain, which can be freely used and addressed by BCT applications, a set of modular productivity tools and services that are supported by the Blockchain Terminal Foundation. Developers on this platform have easy access to production-tested infrastructure, with embedded compliance and broader distribution enabled by BCT’s comprehensive business strategy. The BCT is a high-availability network device that securely journals compliance entries for a hedge fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, and is also a desktop terminal for use by hedge fund traders, analysts, portfolio managers, and operations staff. All installed hardware devices on a firm’s network are configured to a private ledger that improves the overall integrity of critical data through consensus. This journaled data interacts with the global BCT permissioned ledger to provide an external anchor for internal activity that can be observed and verified by external constituents, including auditors and regulators without compromising confidentiality. The supporting BCT token facilitates the functions of this platform and enhances the convenience of the BCT as a showcase mechanism for a new generation of best-of-breed applications for the industry.

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Blockchain Terminal BCT
Blockchain Terminal enables institutional investors into the crypto space
Start date 01. Apr 2018
End date 30. Apr 2018
The Blockchain Terminal (“BCT”) delivers a powerful set of tools and services to the wealth management industry, making use of blockchain technology to deliver cutting edge applications that have been created by a diverse community of developers, while also enabling real-time compliance enforcement and ad hoc audits. The BCT platform provides a robust layer of security and functionality to familiar tools, and capabilities that advance the current strategies of traditional investment managers, and also supports the complexities of cryptocurrency markets. Emerging cryptocurrency- focused investment funds enjoy sophisticated platform tools for both front and back office operations along with the added value and assurance of a compliance framework that provides security for investors across this rapidly emerging asset class.

The central distinguishing feature of BCT is a hybrid ledger that integrates both a private and a public, permissioned blockchain to enable its core services. This hybrid ledger is anchored to the broader Ethereum blockchain, which can be freely used and addressed by BCT applications, a set of modular productivity tools and services that are supported by the Blockchain Terminal Foundation. Developers on this platform have easy access to production-tested infrastructure, with embedded compliance and broader distribution enabled by BCT’s comprehensive business strategy. The BCT is a high-availability network device that securely journals compliance entries for a hedge fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, and is also a desktop terminal for use by hedge fund traders, analysts, portfolio managers, and operations staff. All installed hardware devices on a firm’s network are configured to a private ledger that improves the overall integrity of critical data through consensus. This journaled data interacts with the global BCT permissioned ledger to provide an external anchor for internal activity that can be observed and verified by external constituents, including auditors and regulators without compromising confidentiality. The supporting BCT token facilitates the functions of this platform and enhances the convenience of the BCT as a showcase mechanism for a new generation of best-of-breed applications for the industry.

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