$ 61,628  0.74%
€ 57,349  0.76%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,335  0.70%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.11B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.71B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.03T
Bitone Network TM-BN
Operable New Economy
Start date 31. Jul 2018 End date 31. Aug 2018
Information Bitone Network is a platform with its own chain of blocks that connects multiple chains to the Bitcoin network. It consists of a wallet compatible with various cryptoactives, which acts as a decentralized exchange house (DEX) and allows the execution of intelligent contracts from other platforms using bitcoin.

The official token of the platform is the bitone node, which allows its owner to participate in the process of verification of transactions and operations of the network through a consensus system called proof of stake (PoS), and in this way generate incentives from the commissions that users pay when using the application.

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Bitone Network TM-BN
Operable New Economy
Start date 31. Jul 2018
End date 31. Aug 2018
Bitone Network is a platform with its own chain of blocks that connects multiple chains to the Bitcoin network. It consists of a wallet compatible with various cryptoactives, which acts as a decentralized exchange house (DEX) and allows the execution of intelligent contracts from other platforms using bitcoin.

The official token of the platform is the bitone node, which allows its owner to participate in the process of verification of transactions and operations of the network through a consensus system called proof of stake (PoS), and in this way generate incentives from the commissions that users pay when using the application.

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