$ 63,889  1.55%
€ 59,376  1.52%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,921  1.49%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.49B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.35B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
A Charitable Crypto-Currency
Start date 21. Oct 2017 End date 21. Jan 2018
Information CCCoin is a charitable crypto-currency that raises capital through currency exchanges and donates the proceeds to notable trusted charities chosen through a democratic voting process using secure transparent blockchain technology.

The Mission of CCCoin is to try and attract people who have never donated to charity before and persuade them to get involved. The hope is they enjoy donating and find a nonprofit or charity that they love and start donating to it on their own.

We believe that with modern day Blockchain Technology, Ethereum platform and our Charity Vote we can encourage this to happen.
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A Charitable Crypto-Currency
Start date 21. Oct 2017
End date 21. Jan 2018
CCCoin is a charitable crypto-currency that raises capital through currency exchanges and donates the proceeds to notable trusted charities chosen through a democratic voting process using secure transparent blockchain technology.

The Mission of CCCoin is to try and attract people who have never donated to charity before and persuade them to get involved. The hope is they enjoy donating and find a nonprofit or charity that they love and start donating to it on their own.

We believe that with modern day Blockchain Technology, Ethereum platform and our Charity Vote we can encourage this to happen.
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