$ 63,631  1.14%
€ 59,107  1.06%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,723  1.09%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.13B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.24B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
A Decentralized Network for Internet of Things
Start date 01. Mar 2018 End date 30. Jun 2018
Information IoTeX is the next generation of the IoT-oriented blockchain platform with vast scalability, privacy, isolatability, and developability for incubating new IoT applications and ecosystems. Connecting the physical world, block by block.

IoT has rapidly evolved over the years, but lacks real “killer applications”. McKinsey predicted that IoT could generate up to $11.1 trillion per year in economic value by 2025. Despite the potential of IoT, there are roadblocks ahead: lack of scalability, privacy concerns, and lack of functional values. IoTeX solves these problems by introducing a blockchain-in-blockchain architecture with token economy. By combining token incentives with community efforts, we believe we can crowdsource industry and community talents to address these technical challenges in IoT development.
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A Decentralized Network for Internet of Things
Start date 01. Mar 2018
End date 30. Jun 2018
IoTeX is the next generation of the IoT-oriented blockchain platform with vast scalability, privacy, isolatability, and developability for incubating new IoT applications and ecosystems. Connecting the physical world, block by block.

IoT has rapidly evolved over the years, but lacks real “killer applications”. McKinsey predicted that IoT could generate up to $11.1 trillion per year in economic value by 2025. Despite the potential of IoT, there are roadblocks ahead: lack of scalability, privacy concerns, and lack of functional values. IoTeX solves these problems by introducing a blockchain-in-blockchain architecture with token economy. By combining token incentives with community efforts, we believe we can crowdsource industry and community talents to address these technical challenges in IoT development.
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