$ 62,195  -0.21%
€ 57,865  -0.17%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,791  -0.14%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.28B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.92B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.04T
Vexanium VEX
Decentralized marketing ecosystem
Start date 16. May 2018 End date 15. Jun 2018
Information VEXANIUM is disrupting the global promotional marketing industry by developing a decentralized marketing ecosystem. It is creating a tokenized rewards and voucher platform with two goals – to bridge the off-chain to onchain gap for retailers and consumers, while also serving those that are already on-chain. The VEXANIUM Platform will revolutionize today’s voucher and rewards industries by solving their major pain points such as poor economics, illiquidity and redemptions. In doing so, VEXANIUM’s platform is also able to provide an Airdrop solution to address to the surging demand of blockchain businesses to reach their target audience. Ultimately, VEXANIUM allows a whole new wave of retailers and consumers to enter the blockchain era, while also providing the most effective way for blockchain businesses to expand their reach.

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Vexanium VEX
Decentralized marketing ecosystem
Start date 16. May 2018
End date 15. Jun 2018
VEXANIUM is disrupting the global promotional marketing industry by developing a decentralized marketing ecosystem. It is creating a tokenized rewards and voucher platform with two goals – to bridge the off-chain to onchain gap for retailers and consumers, while also serving those that are already on-chain. The VEXANIUM Platform will revolutionize today’s voucher and rewards industries by solving their major pain points such as poor economics, illiquidity and redemptions. In doing so, VEXANIUM’s platform is also able to provide an Airdrop solution to address to the surging demand of blockchain businesses to reach their target audience. Ultimately, VEXANIUM allows a whole new wave of retailers and consumers to enter the blockchain era, while also providing the most effective way for blockchain businesses to expand their reach.

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