$ 63,013  -0.10%
€ 58,524  0.02%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,336  -0.09%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.98B
Altcoin volume
$ 22.68B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
Horizon State HST
The future of voting and collaborative decision making
Start date 16. Oct 2017 End date 30. Oct 2017
Information Horizon State is a blockchain-based platform and ecosystem that enables efficient vote casting and decision making processes. The platform operates through the use of Decision Tokens (HST).

Horizon State’s use of blockchain technology addresses the security of the vote. Data stored on the blockchain itself is distributed and tamper-proof - not owned by any individual or institution - there is no way to alter it.

Planning and executing geographically centralised votes is long and expensive - and infrequent as a result. Paired with blockchain, Horizon State delivers convenient voting to mobiles and PCs, with immediacy.

Traditional methods of voting cost taxpayers upwards of $7 per vote to facilitate- $25 in some cases. Horizon State’s blockchain voting solution is far cheaper, remaining under $0.50.

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Horizon State HST
The future of voting and collaborative decision making
Start date 16. Oct 2017
End date 30. Oct 2017
Horizon State is a blockchain-based platform and ecosystem that enables efficient vote casting and decision making processes. The platform operates through the use of Decision Tokens (HST).

Horizon State’s use of blockchain technology addresses the security of the vote. Data stored on the blockchain itself is distributed and tamper-proof - not owned by any individual or institution - there is no way to alter it.

Planning and executing geographically centralised votes is long and expensive - and infrequent as a result. Paired with blockchain, Horizon State delivers convenient voting to mobiles and PCs, with immediacy.

Traditional methods of voting cost taxpayers upwards of $7 per vote to facilitate- $25 in some cases. Horizon State’s blockchain voting solution is far cheaper, remaining under $0.50.

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