$ 62,090  -0.37%
€ 57,747  -0.38%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 49,774  -0.17%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.30B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.40B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.04T
MedCredits MEDX
Connecting patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network
Start date 01. Mar 2018 End date 30. Apr 2018
Information MedCredits harnesses the power of a P2P network, the blockchain and smart phones to connect patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network. By decentralizing medicine, MedCredits is able to create a free-market system providing more affordable and efficient healthcare than currently available. Based on the framework of the OpenBazaar codebase, the first software release Hippocrates is a user-friendly app on the MedCredits platform connecting patients to dermatologists for fast diagnoses at a fraction of the cost.
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MedCredits MEDX
Connecting patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network
Start date 01. Mar 2018
End date 30. Apr 2018
MedCredits harnesses the power of a P2P network, the blockchain and smart phones to connect patients and doctors worldwide on a decentralized network. By decentralizing medicine, MedCredits is able to create a free-market system providing more affordable and efficient healthcare than currently available. Based on the framework of the OpenBazaar codebase, the first software release Hippocrates is a user-friendly app on the MedCredits platform connecting patients to dermatologists for fast diagnoses at a fraction of the cost.
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