$ 60,822  -3.58%
€ 56,500  -3.44%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 48,598  -3.54%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.95B
Altcoin volume
$ 25.04B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.01T
Platform that directly connects retailers with customers
Start date 29. Nov 2017 End date 29. Dec 2017
Information NAU is the platform that directly connects customers and retailers using blockchain technology to guarantee transparency and reliability. By enabling every user to be an affiliate to any retailer, NAU encourages consumers to spread the word about the platform, creating a unique ecosystem where each user is an avid ambassador, because that’s him, who gets rewarded by the retailers for bringing sales to the latter. The retailers, in their turn, get access to the highly-targeted local audience and pay only for the real leads ending up with particular actions including sales. This is by our vision the best possible interpretation of once popular SoLoMo (Social, Local, Mobile) marketing approach.

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Platform that directly connects retailers with customers
Start date 29. Nov 2017
End date 29. Dec 2017
NAU is the platform that directly connects customers and retailers using blockchain technology to guarantee transparency and reliability. By enabling every user to be an affiliate to any retailer, NAU encourages consumers to spread the word about the platform, creating a unique ecosystem where each user is an avid ambassador, because that’s him, who gets rewarded by the retailers for bringing sales to the latter. The retailers, in their turn, get access to the highly-targeted local audience and pay only for the real leads ending up with particular actions including sales. This is by our vision the best possible interpretation of once popular SoLoMo (Social, Local, Mobile) marketing approach.

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