$ 64,284  1.77%
€ 59,740  1.82%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,270  1.94%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.62B
Altcoin volume
$ 29.44B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.12T
Thought Network THT
Embedding AI into every small piece of data
Start date 14. Mar 2018 End date 30. Apr 2018
Information Thought is a blockchain and AI start-up, backed by Harrisburg University, who is fundamentally changing the way data is processed by embedding AI into every small piece of data.

By embedding every small bit of data with artificial intelligence, Thought can make ordinary data, that needs applications to become valuable, aware of its origin, its purpose and makes it able to act on its own to complete its task. This new way reduces the need for traditional applications, making data processing cheaper and faster. Instead of communicating with different applications, data can communicate with other pieces of data directly.
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Thought Network THT
Embedding AI into every small piece of data
Start date 14. Mar 2018
End date 30. Apr 2018
Thought is a blockchain and AI start-up, backed by Harrisburg University, who is fundamentally changing the way data is processed by embedding AI into every small piece of data.

By embedding every small bit of data with artificial intelligence, Thought can make ordinary data, that needs applications to become valuable, aware of its origin, its purpose and makes it able to act on its own to complete its task. This new way reduces the need for traditional applications, making data processing cheaper and faster. Instead of communicating with different applications, data can communicate with other pieces of data directly.
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