$ 63,837  1.06%
€ 59,231  0.95%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,891  1.18%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.80B
Altcoin volume
$ 24.98B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
TokenPay TPAY
The world's most secure coin
Start date 07. Dec 2017 End date 17. Jan 2018
Information TokenPay is a decentralized and self-verifying payment platform project. Based entirely on mathematics it is designed to enable secure transactions between multiple parties. With maximum user security as the focal point, the system is accessed exclusively through the encrypted Tor Browser. Transactions are conducted with its own proprietary and untraceable digital asset called TPAY that is embedded with the latest and most advanced safety features. These characteristics include a stealth addressing system, encrypted messaging, completely anonymous trading and a uniquely designed hashing algorithm that enables fast and secure confirmations under any conditions.

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TokenPay TPAY
The world's most secure coin
Start date 07. Dec 2017
End date 17. Jan 2018
TokenPay is a decentralized and self-verifying payment platform project. Based entirely on mathematics it is designed to enable secure transactions between multiple parties. With maximum user security as the focal point, the system is accessed exclusively through the encrypted Tor Browser. Transactions are conducted with its own proprietary and untraceable digital asset called TPAY that is embedded with the latest and most advanced safety features. These characteristics include a stealth addressing system, encrypted messaging, completely anonymous trading and a uniquely designed hashing algorithm that enables fast and secure confirmations under any conditions.

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