$ 63,485  0.90%
€ 58,981  0.84%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,606  0.86%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 9.16B
Altcoin volume
$ 23.28B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.10T
Tutellus TUT
The platform that pays you for learning
Start date 28. May 2018 End date 30. Sep 2018
Information Tutellus is a company working since 2013. We're the leading P2P EdTech platform in the Spanish speaking world, with 1 million users, 130,000 videocourses and clients in 160 countries. We are creating a decentraliced platform where users get rewards depending on their activity. We aim to solve the main problems in Education: poor motivation of students & teachers, the existence of a huge gap between Employment and Education, and the difficulties for studying in economically complicated countries.

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Tutellus TUT
The platform that pays you for learning
Start date 28. May 2018
End date 30. Sep 2018
Tutellus is a company working since 2013. We're the leading P2P EdTech platform in the Spanish speaking world, with 1 million users, 130,000 videocourses and clients in 160 countries. We are creating a decentraliced platform where users get rewards depending on their activity. We aim to solve the main problems in Education: poor motivation of students & teachers, the existence of a huge gap between Employment and Education, and the difficulties for studying in economically complicated countries.

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