$ 64,019  1.75%
€ 59,498  1.72%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 51,018  1.68%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 8.81B
Altcoin volume
$ 22.93B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.11T
Qravity QCO
Decentralized content production and distribution platform
Start date 18. Aug 2018 End date 07. Oct 2018
Information Qravity provides a space for creative visionaries to collectively develop original monetizable digital content, including movies, music, games, e-books, and applications. The platform uses virtual tokens on the Ethereum blockchain to track digital content creation, distribute project stakes among team members, and bring Qravity-produced content finalized on Qravity directly to market. Blockchain technology makes the platform’s transactions transparent in terms of revenue, product distribution, and profit sharing. Generally speaking, Qravity improves collaboration and eliminates obstacles as producers and creators conceive, develop, and distribute unique content that consumers crave.

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Qravity QCO
Decentralized content production and distribution platform
Start date 18. Aug 2018
End date 07. Oct 2018
Qravity provides a space for creative visionaries to collectively develop original monetizable digital content, including movies, music, games, e-books, and applications. The platform uses virtual tokens on the Ethereum blockchain to track digital content creation, distribute project stakes among team members, and bring Qravity-produced content finalized on Qravity directly to market. Blockchain technology makes the platform’s transactions transparent in terms of revenue, product distribution, and profit sharing. Generally speaking, Qravity improves collaboration and eliminates obstacles as producers and creators conceive, develop, and distribute unique content that consumers crave.

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   Telegram chat
  Github (not available)
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