Polygon Unveils Its New Value Layer of the Internet aka Polygon 2.0 In Latest Upgrade

Ethereum’s Layer-2 scalability platform Polygon has recently unveiled its upgrade version dubbed Polygon 2.0 with the goal to build it as the Value Layer of the Internet.

Polygon said that the value layer will function as the fundamental protocol that would allow anyone to create, exchange, and program value. This is similar to how the internet allows everyone to create and exchange value.

Just as the internet has democratized information access to everyone, the value layer shall democratize access to the global economy. The value layer of Polygon 2.0 will enable decentralized finance, digital ownership, as well as new mechanisms for coordination and much more.

The Polygon team noted that the Polygon 2.0 will serve as a blueprint for building the Value Layer. It is basically a set of proposed upgrades that would that seeks to reimagine every aspect of Polygon, right from the protocol architecture to governance and tokenomics.

In the upcoming weeks, the Polygon team will provide comprehensive information about each aspect of Polygon 2.0. They will discuss the future plans for the Polygon Proof-of-Stake (PoS) chain, the enhancements and functions of the Polygon token, and the shift towards greater community participation in governing the protocol and its treasury.

Furthermore, the roadmap will outline the path for Polygon to become the Value Layer of the Internet, ensuring limitless scalability and seamless liquidity through ZK technology.

The Ethereum blockchain network was the first to introduce the concept of the Value Layer in the industry. It was the first to explain how users can create, exchange, and program value seamlessly and securely, without any king of intermediaries.

With Polygon 2.0, the platform aims to infinite scalability and throughput just as the internet scales elastically. Furthermore, they aim to bring a unified experience of sharing value in a shared environment and from anywhere in the world.

Polygon 2.0 is a network of ZK-powered Layer 2 chains, connected through an innovative cross-chain coordination protocol. Users will experience the entire network as a seamless single chain. The network has the capability to accommodate an extensive number of chains, enabling secure and instant cross-chain interactions without the need for extra security measures or trust assumptions.

This ensures unlimited scalability and unified liquidity. With Polygon 2.0 as the Value Layer, it seamlessly integrates with the rest of the Internet.