$ 63,314  -0.93%
€ 58,849  -0.91%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 50,439  -0.97%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 7.34B
Altcoin volume
$ 21.35B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.08T
Blockchain solution for charitable donations
Start date 15. Jun 2018 End date 30. Jun 2018
Information The CHERR.IO platform is a B2B (business-to-business) platform that caters to charitable organizations by expanding their outreach, optimizing their fundraising processes, and rebuilding donor trust with builtin transparency mechanisms. We designed the platform on top of the Ethereum blockchain to ensure traceability of all transactions and full auditability. Using a voting mechanism, the decision power is given to the donors which lets them choose and control where their money should go in order to make the biggest impact. But, this technical improvement in execution is not enough for us. We want to go further. We want to disrupt the concept of charitable organizations and introduce a paradigm shift in how they work.

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Blockchain solution for charitable donations
Start date 15. Jun 2018
End date 30. Jun 2018
The CHERR.IO platform is a B2B (business-to-business) platform that caters to charitable organizations by expanding their outreach, optimizing their fundraising processes, and rebuilding donor trust with builtin transparency mechanisms. We designed the platform on top of the Ethereum blockchain to ensure traceability of all transactions and full auditability. Using a voting mechanism, the decision power is given to the donors which lets them choose and control where their money should go in order to make the biggest impact. But, this technical improvement in execution is not enough for us. We want to go further. We want to disrupt the concept of charitable organizations and introduce a paradigm shift in how they work.

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