$ 57,892  -4.52%
€ 54,058  -4.90%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 46,218  -4.78%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 19.93B
Altcoin volume
$ 37.67B
Crypto market cap
$ 1.94T
Clinicoin CLIN
cryptocurrency-based health and wellness community
Start date 21. Feb 2018 End date 31. May 2018
Information Clinicoin is an open source wellness platform that rewards users with cryptocurrency for engaging in healthy activities. Leveraged by a blockchain-based ecosystem, the platform is designed to connect people, developers, and providers, worldwide, improving global health, wellness, and research.

The Clinicoin community covers all corners of health, wellness, healthcare, and research. From individuals to organizations, the community benefits anyone who is looking to improve health and wellness, whether for themselves, their company, or humanity at large.

  Blog   LinkedIn
  Whitepaper   Bitcointalk (not available)
  Reddit (not available)   Slack chat (not available)
  Facebook   Telegram chat
  Twitter   Github
Clinicoin CLIN
cryptocurrency-based health and wellness community
Start date 21. Feb 2018
End date 31. May 2018
Clinicoin is an open source wellness platform that rewards users with cryptocurrency for engaging in healthy activities. Leveraged by a blockchain-based ecosystem, the platform is designed to connect people, developers, and providers, worldwide, improving global health, wellness, and research.

The Clinicoin community covers all corners of health, wellness, healthcare, and research. From individuals to organizations, the community benefits anyone who is looking to improve health and wellness, whether for themselves, their company, or humanity at large.

  Reddit (not available)
  Bitcointalk (not available)
  Slack chat (not available)
   Telegram chat
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